Friday, February 17, 2012

the child bride.

  i'm the first to admit that i am not one for weddings. unlike most single (or hey, even married) women on pinterest i do not have a wedding board entitled something like, "what will be the best day of my life" but i definitely have nothing against anyone who does have one, to each their own. what i can't get past is the ridiculousness when it comes to some people and their "dream wedding." so lets discuss this (stu)pin here...

  okay cool, you loved disney movies growing up (hey, i do even now) and you always wanted that fairy tale wedding where you felt like a princess. i have no issues for feeling special on your wedding day but umm can we say CHILDHOOD ISSUES??? you are not ten anymore!! the hot pink lipstick and plastic crown that is spray painted silver doesn't look good on you honey. i'm sorry if mommy or daddy didn't get you everything you wanted at the disney store growing up but it's time you put away your craziness so you don't have a lifetime of regret when you look at your wedding pictures. and what about the man in all this?? you think you are going to find a sane male who will be okay with you dressing up like you're a CARTOON on the day you are supposed to be joined as one for life?! trust me, it aint gonna happen. he is either not going to be okay with it or he is not going to be sane. take your pick. all in the name of your stupid princess wedding dress.

this pin has officially been classfied as a...


1 comment:

  1. Also, I have been to Disneyland. I've met those princes. You ain't marrying a Disneyland prince. He is as gay as a turtleneck.
